Led strip lights generally need a led driver from which they draw their power. In this section we will go through how to connect an LED strip light to a led driver.

Led strip light markings

Let’s take a few examples, you just need a little understanding of transformer markings. Low-voltage 12V/24V switching is easy with monochrome LED strip lights.

Find the markings on the LED strip where you can see the + and – / GND / Ground. The markings are always at the cut-off points.

Right and wrong way to cut the Led strip light
Right and wrong way to cut the Led strip light

Typically + is red and – is black, but sometimes they can also be white wires both, but one has a line on it to separate them. Sometimes the led strip may also have brown (+) and blue (-)

DC plug disconnected from led strip light
DC plug disconnected from led strip light

If the LED strip light has a typical 5.5 mm DC connector (barrel plug), the middle of the connector is + and the outer edge is -.

Connecting the LED strip light to the power supply

230V LED strip lights are easy to install; just plug into the wall! Always remember to unlock the entire reel or roller before switching on the power to the strip light. This prevents the tape from overheating and possible damage even for a short period of time. It is also easy to connect a standard LED strip light to the power supply. Let’s just look for the entries.

Connecting the ribbon to a transformer with a 5.5 mm DC round connector

If the LED strip light has a similar connector, just plug them into each other (male-female). If the LED strip light has only two wires, either one is needed to connect the LED strip light:

  • Screw-in DC connector MALE or
  • Cut the led driver connector and strip the wires bare. Cutting the led driver connector reveals the same colours as we went through above. The wires are connected to the strip with lever connectors, apico or sugar cane.
Connecting a Led strip light to a driver is easy if it has DC connectors
IP21 driver with DC connector

Plug the led driver into the wall and the light should come on.

Connection to IP21 transformer with screw or quick connectors

The mains power is connected to the led driver by a plug connected to the L and N terminals. To connect the tape, read the markings on the transformer head, which should show the + and – terminals. Two different types of connection:

  • Using your thumb or a screwdriver, press down on the quick connector to open the connector and push the wire into place. The wires lock when you release the connector.
  • Unscrew the connectors, insert the stripped wires and tighten the screws.
Solid colour led strip in led driver
Solid colour led strip in led driver

Test that the wires are in place by tugging on them. Put the plug in the wall and the lights should come on.

Connecting CCT LED to led driver

These led driver almost always have screw or quick connectors, so the instructions are the same for connecting to the mains, but the LED strip will differ as the CCT (colour temperature controlled) strip contains three (3) wires:

CCT Led strip close up
CCT Led strip close up

+, warm (WW) and cold (CW)

To connect the strip, read the markings on the led driver, which should show the + and WW and CW terminals. Sometimes WW and CW are marked -1 and -2.

  • + connecting the wire in the right place is the most important thing
  • If WW and CW go to the wrong terminals, i.e. warm to cold and vice versa, no problem. The only drawback is that adjusting the light to warm turns it cold. In that situation, you only change the position of the two (WW and CW) wires.
2 different connection methods for led strip light in the led driver
2 different ways of connection in CCT led driver for led strip light

Test again by tugging to make sure the wires are in place. Put the plug in the wall and the lights should come on.

Connecting to RGB+W led driver

These led drivers also almost always have screw or quick connectors, so the instructions for connecting them to the mains are still the same. So at this stage, the LED strip has 4 or 5 wires. 4 means RGB and 5 means that the LED strip has RGB+W, i.e. a separate white light. Here are the most commonly used colours

  • + = black
  • R(ed) = red
  • G(reen) = green
  • B(read) = blue
  • W(hite) = white
RGBW spotless led strip light close up
RGBW spotless led strip light close up

To connect the tape, read the markings on the led driver, which should show + and R, G, B, W. Sometimes they are marked -1,-2,-3 and -4 in the same order.

  • + connecting the wire in the right place is the most important thing
  • If the colours go to the wrong connectors, i.e. red lights up e.g. green, just change the positions of the coloured wires. The tape will not break.
RGBW Led strip light connected to led driver
Led driver connectors 1-2-3-4 RGBW

Test again by tugging to make sure the wires are in place. Put the plug in the wall and the lights should come on.

LED driver + control unit (RGB or CCT)

In these cases, driver is connected directly to the INPUT + and – terminals of the control device and the LED strip light OUTPUT RGBW or CCT to their respective terminals.

RGBW Led strip light connection to led driver and controller
RGBW Led strip light connection to led driver and controller

IP65 LED driver connection with only wires

These drivers are intended for fixed installation and are so-called. electrical work. They are clearly labelled and must be followed to ensure safe installation.

IP65 led drivers usually has only wires
IP65 led drivers usually has only wires

LED strip lighting use and maintenance

LED strip lighting is very easy to use and offers a wide range of lighting solutions. Maintenance mainly involves cleaning the tape from dust and dirt. It is important to remember that LED strip lighting should not be wetted unless it is specifically designed for damp locations. The LED strip should always be mounted on an aluminium profile unless it is a so-called “wet LED strip “. NEON strip.

Led strip light installation guides

Led strip lighting specialist

LedStore has been an expert in LED lighting and lighting design since 2010. We have our own product design, so our products are technologically state-of-the-art. Products have quarantee for up to 7 years. We also carry out lighting maintenance.

We focus on temperature-controlled and high colour rendering lights, so they work brilliantly and last a long time. We do around 500 lighting designs for our clients’ sites in a year. Read more here or order a design. Did you know? LedStore offers lighting design from 99 euros for the whole house!

Made to measure Led strip lights

We offer a service of custom-made LED strips, i.e. custom-made LED strips in aluminium profile. Also installed.

Remember that we are always ready to offer our help to you along the way, by email (myynti@ledstore.fi) and by phone (045 251 4510). As always, feel free to share photos of your own projects on social media at ledstore.fi at Instagram and ledstore.fi at Meta. We love to see the cool things our LEDs do, and it helps to provide inspiration for those who are unsure about the power and awesomeness of LEDs.

Did you know that we already have over 3500 pictures of our LED installations in our Gallery!