Mihin kodin valaistussuunnittelu vaikuttaa?

Kodin valaistussuunnittelu kannattaa ajoittaa ennen tai yhtäaikaisesti sähkösuunnittelun kanssa, jotta sähkönsyöttöpisteitä saadaan tarvittava määrä oikeisiin kohtiin. Remontoitavassa kohteessa, jossa sisäkatto ja sisäseinät uudistetaan, ollaan otollisessa tilanteessa myös valaistuksen kohentamisen kannalta. …

Choose the right LED strip light – the power output will affect the application

Led strip lighting is selected according to the lighting needs and the application. LedStore’s own-brand LED strips offer enough choice and possibilities to meet both small and large lighting needs …

Increasing the colour rendering index, CRI, from 80 to 97 will bring out the colours of the illuminated object better.

Colour rendering of LEDs – what is the difference between CRI and Ra?

There is a difference in colour rendering between CRI and RA values of LEDs. LED lights that produce white light have been accused of producing a bluish or even greyish …

Introducing the ModLed modular LED spotlight designed for interchangeability

How about a ModLed spotlight with a bulb designed for replacement? Led luminaires are available with both fixed LED lights and products with interchangeable light sources. The ModLed from LedStore …

Price of LED lights – what does led lighting cost?

Why is another manufacturers light cheaper even though it looks the same? But appearances can be deceptive. Many recessed LED lights look similar and it is difficult to make a …