Led strip lighting for kitchen lighting shapes, led strip lighting installation

Is it possible to change the lighting in an existing kitchen without a major renovation? You can do it. When the ceiling and walls are painted plasterboard, it is possible …

Keittiön vitriinivalaistus viileä valo

Led strip light installation in a display cabinet

The installation of a Led strip light in a display cabinet is also possible with the right tools. The kitchen received mood lighting and task lighting in one go. Read …

How does lighting design take home decoration to the next level?

Professional lighting design can add atmosphere to your home and enhance its most beautiful details. LedStore helped Alisa to design and implement the perfect lighting solutions for her new detached …

Keittiön välitilan valaistus – keittiön työskentelyvalaistus kuntoon

Keittiön remontin yhteydessä haluttiin keittiön välitilan valaistus kuntoon. Kaapistojen ja tasojen valinnassa kiinnitettiin huomiota siihen, että pinnat olisivat modernit ja rauhalliset. Kaapistojen mukana ei tullut valaistusta, ja välitilan taustalevykin haluttiin …

Custom-made Led lighting for kitchen

The LED light list provides individual lighting solutions for every kitchen, taking into account the shape and dimensions of the kitchen. The location of kitchen furniture and the style and …